Mazumtirdzniecības iepakojums produktiem
In 2022 the NNZ – Quasem School in Kurigram opened its doors and welcomed its students. This took place in the same month as NNZ’s 100th-anniversary celebration. The opening of the school and the provision of education have a positive impact on Kurigram and the surrounding area; we have received many wonderful and heartwarming responses.
We are excited to share the latest developments in our school, which are making a significant impact on the students and the community.
New class added with two sections
To provide quality education, this year a new class with two sections has been added. This expansion allows the school to accommodate more students and offer a more personalized learning experience.
New teachers and extracurricular staff
We are pleased to announce the appointment of two new teachers who bring new expertise to the team. Additionally, an extracurricular teacher and a physical trainer have also been appointed.
Since 1922, we have been sourcing jute — one of the most sustainable packaging materials—from various regions, including Bangladesh. Education is a key pillar for the development of Bangladesh, which is why we collaborated with the Quasem Foundation to build a school in Kurigram.
"*" norāda obligātos laukus
Šos sīkfailus izmanto, lai optimizētu vietnes veiktspēju un funkcionalitāti. Pārlūkojot vietni, šie sīkfaili nav būtiski. Tomēr ir iespējams, ka noteikti tīmekļa vietnes elementi bez sīkfailiem nedarbosies pareizi.
Šie sīkfaili apkopo datus, kurus mēs izmantojam, lai saprastu, kā mūsu tīmekļa vietni izmanto un uztver. Šie sīkfaili mums palīdz arī optimizēt vietni, lai iegūtu vislabāko lietotāja pieredzi.
Šie sīkfaili ļauj reklāmu tīkliem pārraudzīt jūsu darbību tiešsaistē, lai tie varētu rādīt atbilstošas reklāmas, ņemot vērā jūsu intereses un tiešsaistes uzvedību. Šie sīkfaili arī neļauj atkārtoti rādīt vienas un tās pašas reklāmas.