Mazumtirdzniecības iepakojums produktiem
Groningen/Wilhelmsburg, July 1st, 2024 – the Royal NNZ Group, a leader and global player in industrial and agricultural packaging solutions, and Technopac Austria are proud to announce that they joined forces. Technopac is a supplier of high-quality packaging solutions for industry and a center of excellence for supplies of FIBCs/ Big bags. This strategic alliance strengthens NNZ’s position in the market as one of the largest suppliers of FIBCs/Big Bags in Europe, North America and South Africa.
Technopac, founded in 2011, has built a reputation for reliability, technical expertise, and excellent services in the packaging industry. The company’s focus on quality, innovation and customer satisfaction aligns perfectly with NNZ’s core values.
Technopac’s diverse product range, including FIBCs/ Big Bags for various industries such as food, feed, agriculture, chemicals, construction and mining, will complement NNZ’s existing assortment of packaging solutions. This strategic move will also boost NNZ’s market presence in Central and Eastern Europe, building on Technopac’s established markets in Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Croatia and Italy.
“We aim to combine our strengths and deliver even greater value to both our customers,” says Len Boot, CEO of the Royal NNZ Group. Sonja Gröger Managing Director of Technopac adds that “Technopac’s commitment to quality and innovation will support our efforts to provide sustainable and efficient packaging solutions globally.
Technopac’s team, renowned for their extensive expertise and customer-centric approach, will continue operating under their own brand name, as a partner of the Royal NNZ Group, ensuring a seamless transition and continuity of service for all clients.
For more information, please contact:
the Royal NNZ Group bv
CEO, Len Boot
Aarhusweg 1
9723 JJ Groningen
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)50 5207830
Email: info@nnz.com
Technopac Austria GmbH
Managing Director, Sonja
Gröger Lilienfelder Strasse 46
3150 Wilhemsburg Austria
Phone: +43 2746 330 60-0
Email: info@technopac.at
"*" norāda obligātos laukus
"*" norāda obligātos laukus
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